Spouses That Are Unbelievers
I however have had the honor of praying for and seeing the Lord’s amazing hand at work in this area.
I am a journeyman carpenter by occupation. Years ago when I took my schooling for carpentry the person I boarded with invited me to a bible study that he oversaw. It was a blessing to be a part of the study. To my recollection we were in the book of John.
There was a woman in the bible study that had an unbelieving husband. Very intelligent, and as far as I know nice, but not saved. Each person in the bible study would take turns each week to have the study at their house, giving everyone the opportunity at hospitality.
The woman with the unsaved husband was at first dead set against having the study at her house because of her husband. Her mind would eventually be changed. Leading up to the first study at her house we were all in prayer. At least I think we all were. I cannot speak for the others but I can honestly say that I was. Many times during the day the Lord would bring to my mind to pray about the situation.
Finally, it came time to have the study at the woman with the unbelieving husbands house. It took awhile for her to decide to have the study at her house. She was not pressured to have the study at her house. But told that when she was ready, if ever, we would all be delighted to meet there.
My boarders and I showed up first to the bible study which gave us the opportunity to get to know the “husband” a little better. He was a very interesting man. Skilled at almost everything he put his hands to do. He also made it awkwardly clear that he was not interested to be around the group as we studied the bible. I also could tell that he was extremely nervous and set on edge. My boarder and I broke the ice with the husband and showed honest interest in the many things he was showing us that he had made.
At the dinner table when everyone had arrived we started eating and fellowshipping and getting ready to get into the word of God. We asked the “husband” to join us while we ate, he agreed. He made it clear however that he was not going to stay for the bible study portion. After eating and fellowshipping we then prayed and proceeded to open our bibles. The “husband” was out of there...kind of.
Let me explain “kind of”. The “husband” was pacing around in the kitchen hearing what we were talking about. And out of nowhere he made a comment from the kitchen. And we engaged with him. I don’t remember the comment but I do remember the result. My boarder asked if he would like to join us since he obviously had questions. The “husband” agreed.
After that bible study the “husband” continued to join the bible studies every time it was at their place.
I finished all my school. And in that time the “husband” was never saved. I must admit I always wondered and still prayed that his eyes would be opened to the gospel to obey the Holy Spirit so that he would believe and be saved. But it did not happen during my 4 years of schooling.
Fast Forward some years. The same couple that housed me during my schooling asked me to come build them a house. So, I did. When I got there I was informed that the “husband” was now a born again believer in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Wow! Did the Lord change him. There was no doubt that the Holy Spirit was evident in his life. Totally a different man. For all those out there that know what I am talking about it is absolutely amazing what the Lord can do in our lives.
As far as I know from the last I heard the “husband” is continuing and growing in the faith.
The time I spent in that city was also very valuable for myself as well. The Lord skimmed some dross off my surface which had been there for some time. He continues to do so with me to this very day as the dross surfaces.
I told this story because of a certain blogger whose husband is not saved. It is my prayer that he would be made wise unto salvation and born again of the Spirit in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.