Monday 29 December 2014

Spouses That Are Unbelievers 

I do not have the privilege of being a light to, or have the pain of enduring a spouse that is not saved.  

I however have had the honor of praying for and seeing the Lord’s amazing hand at work in this area. 

I am a journeyman carpenter by occupation.  Years ago when I took my schooling for carpentry the person I boarded with invited me to a bible study that he oversaw.  It was a blessing to be a part of the study.  To my recollection we were in the book of John.  

There was a woman in the bible study that had an unbelieving husband.  Very intelligent, and as far as I know nice, but not saved.  Each person in the bible study would take turns each week to have the study at their house, giving everyone the opportunity at hospitality.  

The woman with the unsaved husband was at first dead set against having the study at her house because of her husband.  Her mind would eventually be changed.  Leading up to the first study at her house we were all in prayer.  At least I think we all were.  I cannot speak for the others but I can honestly say that I was.  Many times during the day the Lord would bring to my mind to pray about the situation.

Finally, it came time to have the study at the woman with the unbelieving husbands house.  It took awhile for her to decide to have the study at her house.  She was not pressured to have the study at her house.  But told that when she was ready, if ever, we would all be delighted to meet there.  

My boarders and I showed up first to the bible study which gave us the opportunity to get to know the “husband” a little better.  He was a very interesting man.  Skilled at almost everything he put his hands to do.  He also made it awkwardly clear that he was not interested to be around the group as we studied the bible.  I also could tell that he was extremely nervous and set on edge.  My boarder and I broke the ice with the husband and showed honest interest in the many things he was showing us that he had made.  

At the dinner table when everyone had arrived we started eating and fellowshipping and getting ready to get into the word of God.  We asked the “husband” to join us while we ate, he agreed.  He made it clear however that he was not going to stay for the bible study portion.  After eating and fellowshipping we then prayed and proceeded to open our bibles.  The “husband” was out of there...kind of.

Let me explain “kind of”.  The “husband” was pacing around in the kitchen hearing what we were talking about.  And out of nowhere he made a comment from the kitchen.  And we engaged with him.   I don’t remember the comment but I do remember the result.  My boarder asked if he would like to join us since he obviously had questions.  The “husband” agreed.  

After that bible study the “husband” continued to join the bible studies every time it was at their place.

I finished all my school.  And in that time the “husband” was never saved.  I must admit I always wondered and still prayed that his eyes would be opened to the gospel to obey  the Holy Spirit so that he would believe and be saved.  But it did not happen during my 4 years of schooling.

Fast Forward some years.  The same couple that housed me during my schooling asked me to come build them a house.  So, I did.  When I got there I was informed that the “husband” was now a born again believer in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord!  Wow!  Did the Lord change him.  There was no doubt that the Holy Spirit was evident in his life.  Totally a different man.  For all those out there that know what I am talking about it is absolutely amazing what the Lord can do in our lives. 

As far as I know from the last I heard the “husband” is continuing and growing in the faith.  

The time I spent in that city was also very valuable for myself as well.  The Lord skimmed some dross off my surface which had been there for some time.  He continues to do so with me to this very day as the dross surfaces.

I told this story because of a certain blogger whose husband is not saved.  It is my prayer that he would be made wise unto salvation and born again of the Spirit in the name of  the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas is the ultimate trojan horse.

We tragically went out for dinner last night at families house.  It will be the last time that I make that mistake.  And plus I knew better.

Why is it a mistake to get together with family…at christmas?  Well...lets just say that if the scriptures exhorted Christians to celebrate his sons birth then you would think that thats who you would be celebrating.  This is not not the case.  

A few years ago when I had sent the letter out regarding us not celebrating christmas to family it created, as those who have read my previous post on christmas, no little controversy.  As a consequence they tried luring us out there by not having all the pagan decorations such as a christmas tree etc. They did not realize that it was not the decorations that detoured us from coming out there.

Fast forward to the present.  They now have all those things up again!  Surprised?  I was not but my naivety really was disappointed.  I think when we actually showed up they were a little taken back because they did not expect us to come out.

The reason I took my family out there was for one reason and that was to preach the gospel to a certain young relative that is turning to atheism.  It was the second time I had spoken to him within a couple day period.  The first time was at my house.  

I had just scratched the surface of the gospel with him at my house so I prayed to the Lord Jesus that I would have another opportunity.  This is where the dilemma of going out to where family celebrates christmas really took shape.  We had not been out at the families house for a few years at the time of christmas but I was pressed in my spirit to go out.  

I told my wife that we should take the kids ice skating on the frozen lake near where the family is from.  We then decided to text the family near by that we were thinking about coming over.  So, we ended up having dinner at their house.  This was on the 23 of December and the first time we went out.  And from that occasion I was able to speak to the young family member for a couple of hours talking about the gospel.  

The night of December 25 was the second time we went out.  This was the error.  Why an error you might ask.  I will try to explain.  This time it seemed like we took part in their sins.  Not the food we ate not even seeing any of the decorations and the like.  It was that which does not go out of the body into the sewer but that which goes into the heart.  I myself did not have any temptations but for my was most horrible.

The moment we got out there one of the little cousins grabbed my kids and instantly proceeded to show all her christmas presents with great exuberance.  I knew at that moment we were in the wrong for being there.  Even though my kids know what christmas is all about they were immediately absorbed into the excitement of the lie.  Just to let you know this makes me weep.
Things did not get better but I tried with my might to hold it together.  I partly succeeded.   We left early despite the family trying to manipulate us to stay longer.  On the way home I said to my wife, never again.

I love family.  Then again I don’t know of anyone that I do not love.  And that love by the way does not come from my own doing.  Celebrating Christ’s birth is not what is happening at christmas plain and simple.  Maybe a jesus that I do not know.  Most definitely an invented christ but christmas is not about the Lord Jesus Christ.  No matter what they tell me is going on in their heart.

The fruit of christmas reveals that it is not true even if we do not know where the "root" of christmas comes from.  We do however have the knowledge of where christmas comes from and  therefore we are not ignorant.  And I am not talking about the fact that it was the wicked pope Liberius in 354 that made December 25th as the official date of christmas.  Even the fact that we know that it stems from the cult of Sol Invictus in 273.  No, I am not talking about these sources.  I am talking about the scriptures themselves.

Study your bibles!  No lie is of the truth!  Three wise men...lie.  Born on December 25...lie.  Festival to the birth of Christ...lie.  On and on and on the scripture tells us the truth.  Christmas is kind of like the kids Jonah book stories.  Seriously, go get one.  I will not read that kind of garbage to my kids.  But seriously, get one, and read about the reason that they give for Jonah running away from the Lord, it is a lie.  The kids Jonah book stories are partly truth, which is just a lie in disguise, just like christmas is a lie in disguise.  No lie is of the truth.  

May the Lord Jesus Christ be honoured and glorified everyday even on December 25th! 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

This scene was at a house on my daughters paper route.  Exactly summing up the "spirit" of Christmas.

Here is a letter that my wife and I sent out to family a couple of years ago.

Why we are not celebrating Christmas

  1. It is not commanded to celebrate the birth of Christ
  2. It is a tradition of man

  1. a) One can make the argument that it does not say to not celebrate Christmas.  This argument in our perception of what the scriptures say is flimsy at best.  For as the scriptures say, “Learn not the way of the heathen”.  
  1. We do not consider it in our liberty as stated by Paul to celebrate Christmas and/ to not celebrate Christmas.  If however Christmas was an ordained festival/celebration that had been commanded by God at a point in history such as the new moon festival, this would be in our liberty to choose or not to choose to celebrate.  And in the case of choosing to not celebrate a new moon festival, sabbath day, holy day and the like, we according to scripture are not to be judged by any man in that regards (Colossians 2:16).  Since Christmas is not an ordained and commanded festival it is definitely a decision that is of good conscience towards God.  It is taught in 1 Thessalonians that we are to “prove all things” and that is what we have done over the last few years in establishing what the grace of God teaches us about Christmas and that it is with out doubt a tradition of man.

2 a) Since we established that Christmas is a tradition of man it was in our conscience to establish a basis for this tradition.  At this point we want to make known that we do not think it wrong according to the scriptures that thinking on the birth of Christ  is wrong, as the bible says we are to study and in that study it includes the birth of Christ.  We however do not see that the birth of Christ was commanded scripturally by Jesus or any of the apostles to have a festival in memory of his birth.  We have come to the conclusion in our study of Christmas that it is best for us to not celebrate, participate, or have any involvement in a celebration that appears to be good but in our findings it is not.

The above letter is in no way an exhaustive scriptural reason to not celebrate Christmas.  Any discerning Christian who studies their bible know that there are more than enough scriptures that prove the celebration of Christmas is erroneous and in fact Pagan idolatry.  

What is interesting about the Christmas season is that Christians who do not want to take part in the festivities are ostracized.  Mostly by the ones who call themselves evangelical christians.  I have had people question whether or not I had been influenced by Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, and the like.

One of the main arguments that so-called Christians have made to me in the past about the celebration of Christmas is, “You don’t know my heart".  I always reply to them that out of the heart the mouth speaks or for out of the heart are the issues of life.  And I see your heart in your celebration of Christmas.

There are many Christians that have dealt at length with the issues of Christmas being evil, whether it be online or other outlets.  It is not my intentions to hash out all the reasons in this post. 

Examine the scriptures!  See what God says about man made spiritual traditions, celebrations and inventions such as Christmas.  

It is in my discernment that Christmas and the like are an important tool of divisiveness for the enemy.  Christmas divides!  Christmas does not bring unity!  Christmas is a deception.  Why is there a division at Christmas?  Because it is not truth.  A true Christian cannot have unity in a lie.  A lie will always bring division. Always!  The "spirit" of Christmas is a lie. Christmas puts the Christian in bondage. 

The truth of Gods word brings unity.  Those who continue in God's word know the truth and it makes them free.

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”.

I look forward to the day the Lord Jesus Christ returns in all his glory.  What a day that will be!   

Until then let us be vigilant, sober and watchful.  Study the scriptures so we can correctly divide the word of truth.  “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel...Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

 I have at this time written the blog in such a style as to give familiarity with my own personal situation.  If I seem vague in points forgive me because at this time I don’t know exactly what to say and what not to say.  I honestly would point out by name whom ever is teaching bad doctrine for public consumption.  But I am trying to exercise caution biblically on what that will look like.  Later on in the blog I hope to discuss and put forth the many reasons why I have great sorrow for the church.

Here is what spurred me on to finally give my resignation as an elder for a C&MA church in Canada.

I was actually just going to go see what was going on in the church’s denominations university website.  The above picture was the home screen.

After seeing this picture I wept.  Not only for the fact that our church had given large donations to them but as a consequence many people would be led to hell on account of such ignorance. Once I gathered myself together I began to contact a few people I knew.  

One of the men I contacted was an acquaintance from another church with-in the C&MA.  He then contacted someone he knew and the Ambrose situation ended up on a web program called Worldview Weekend with Mike Gendron and Brannon House.  They talked about the issue at length.  They dealt with some of the problems that doing ministry with Roman Catholics would create.

----I want to make clear right now I do not approve of Worldview Weekend but equally do not disapprove of them either as I have not thoroughly checked into their ministry.  My reason for naming who they are is just a fact of the story.----

After the program I sent a link to all the other elders in our church.  I only received one response.   They have all in all remained silent to this day.  None of them want to deal with it.  None of them want to recognize that it was not just Ambrose University with the Roman Catholic ecumenical problem but that we too had the same issue. 

It breaks my heart that I had to resign.  Especially because I do not want to be some holier than thou person.  I just had to follow what the bible says.  It is very clear in the scriptures that we are not to have anything to do with brethren which "cause divisions…whoa…!  Wait a minute is that all…nope, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple".

As I talked about it in my last blog post the doctrines are built not upon the Church of Rome, books, or other means. They are built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets and Jesus being that chief corner stone.  We can do no ministry with the Roman Catholic Church and my so-called brothers in the C&MA think other wise.  So I have no choice but to be divided from them in order to obey the scriptures.  Likewise if they repented and turned from these ungodly ways I could reconcile. 

Anyone who has a computer and can read is able to check Ambrose Universities website at  In there you will find many things that would not surprise the discerning Christian.  But for those who have not known about Ambrose’s blatant ecumenism with Rome the website is chock full of it.  Ranging from their Jesuit trained President, to some of their faculty having their educations from Roman Catholic schools, to many classes dealing with spiritual formation as it is in the emerging movement, or what ever they call it nowadays.  Also, on the main C&MA of Canada website (a total blog post in and of itself) it endorses a ministry called Down Ancient Paths which is blatantly heretical and run by Charles Neinkirchen,  but…there it is on their main website.  

It was hard for me to have knowledge about Ambrose and remain in unity because I had to sign checks that are given to them on a monthly basis.  I just could not do it anymore.  I could not in my conscience, especially after presenting the difference between biblical faith and that of Roman Catholic doctrine to the others on the elders board, continue to allow it to be swept under the rug on my watch.

At this time I do want to let the readers know that I actually have love for Roman Catholics.  I love them so much I will preach to them the true gospel suffering the repercussions of not being ecumenical with them.  If that loses me friends, jobs, etc.,  so be it.  It would however be worse to deny the only Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.   

For those reading who are involved in the C&MA please do not sit back in the pew and consume what ever they are telling you.  We as Christians are not to be observers but we are to be actively living out and defending the faith; speaking the truth in love.  It is not loving to let evil things be swept under the rug. 

 I humbly ask you who ever you are to pick up your bibles and read it.  "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart".  

Since resigning from the elders board that I had previously served on I have received 3 phone calls plus one visit from different people in the congregation in the last few weeks.  At present no elders have reached out to me since my resignation.  

The last person that called me was disappointed that my family and I weren’t coming to the services anymore.  My answer to him was, “why would I come when there is a heretical ecumenical spirit saturating the church”.  My most recent example that I used for him was not even about Satan’s Roman Catholic infiltration.  It was simply that an Anglican was going to be reading the scripture in our services and we in theirs.  He by the way, as I found out from the phone call, is for being ecumenical since he had no objections to having the Anglicans reading the bible in the services.  

The ecumenical move of Satan is clear and evident to those who are discerning and abiding with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Just recently on somewhat of a different note another person that was from the previous church that we were apart of contacted me with great concern.  What was this great concern of his you might ask?  Well... the school uses Yoga as part of their curriculum, which by the way, is one of the plethora of reasons why I homeschool my three children, and he didn’t know exactly what to do.  We talked about it for a bit.  I prayed with him. And in the end he just asked if his child could be excused from the class.

This friend of mine with the yoga dilemma, who I would consider a discerning Christian sat down with a couple of the other Christian fathers with kids in that yoga class.  Out of their discussion they too decided to have their kids excused from the yoga class.  This is good right?  I think that it is good but the problem that I see is that if Christians cannot see past the blatant satanism of yoga how are they going to see through subtle deceptions?

For any Christian reading this blog I encourage you to stay strong in the Lord and his word.

My wife and I have been reading through the new testament.  Recently we read through 1 John.   When ever I read through 1 John many things stick out to me.  What specifically stuck out this time is when John says, “That from the beginning, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life...That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us...We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error”.

Why do I find the above scriptures significant? It is because of how often we as Christians fall into the trap of supposed new teachings, spiritual books and or new revelations that do not come from God’s word.  All one has to do is look at the most infamous of cases, the Roman Catholic Church.  They have added so many doctrines to God’s word it is hard to keep track of them.  So, what am I trying to say?  We need to follow the word of God as it was once delivered to the saints and not add to it as the Pharisees did.  We need to stop reading the church fathers or the desert fathers as something that will deepen our spirituality. We need to stop relying on men such as Augustine to tell us what is said in the scriptures.  Is the Holy Spirit able to give us understanding? For Sure!  Are we able to have a deep friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Of Course!  I do not believe that we need some other medium to deepen our friendship with God except for what he has already given us; his word and the Holy Spirit.

How do we discern what is the sprit of truth and error?  

The first thing would be to toss out anything that is given more authority or equal authority to the scriptures.  Example, mens books being used in bible studies as an authority rather the scriptures alone.  

Secondly, let us seek the Lord diligently with all our heart because it says in his word that when we do we will find him.

Monday 17 November 2014


Recently I gave my resignation as an elder of a congregation that I am apart of.  My wife and I also withdrew our membership.  

It wasn’t a total surprise that this decision had to be made.  It also wasn’t a surprise that all of the other elders did not even give so much as an email to why I gave my resignation.  It has been a week.  For they knew why. 

I had not hidden what I believed about the way things were heading in our congregation and in the denomination as a whole.  

There are many ways in which satan was infiltrating the church but the one that I could not let go is the ecumenical Roman Catholic fruit that was consistently rearing its unmistakable head.  Not saying I let the other evil things go.

I was given the opportunity at one of our monthly elder meetings to explain biblically why we could not do ministry with Roman Catholics.  From that meeting I was called divisive.  I was also asked if I could keep my mouth shut in future meetings (Gag Order). The funny thing is that in the meeting I did not speak out of turn but was specifically requested in that meeting to give the presentation about the biblical faith verses Roman Catholic perspective.  

Another outcome from the meeting when I gave my presentation was that one of the other elders resigned because he was in support of doing ministry with Roman Catholics.  My response to him was that if we did ministry with Roman Catholics we would be evil workers.  He then asked me if I was calling him an evil worker.  I responded by saying that if you do ministry with Roman Catholics you would be. 

 A couple things to note, are that this said elder also had many other issues one of them is having a homosexual son, in which has without a doubt caused variance in his thinking and faith. Secondly, after his first wife died he married a second wife who is a supposed ex Roman Catholic from a Roman Catholic family.  It is my belief that she is still very much Roman Catholic.

Other things that brought on my resignation:
-many of the congregations parents sending their children to Roman Catholic schools 
-Marrying Roman Catholic wives (the one above not being the only one)
-This year for the first time -  celebrating Halloween in a so called christian way
-emerging ideas such as contemplative prayer, 
-the church’s present flavor of the week - The Story by Max Lucado
-Billy Graham Association ministries
-Ellel ministries 
-having anglicans come and read scripture in the services and in turn reading it in theirs
-seeker sensitive programs

It is my hope that the true believers that are still left in the congregation will be bold enough to continue to stand for Jesus and his word.  But I have a feeling this church is too far down the slippery slope.

I told myself that I would stick it out in this church and say what was needing to be said.  When my wife and I were younger, not that I am old, we were in a church that had people roaring like lions and doing all weird kinds of manifestations.  I was very convicted about what was going on in it but said nothing and just left.  

I did not stay silent in this church.  We had been apart of this congregation for over 10 years.

I hesitantly became an elder 3 years ago knowing that there would be a reckoning and there definitely was.

During this time I was able to address our denominations university and their propensity to involve themselves with Roman Catholics.  Many of their staff have Jesuit educations and Roman Catholic school degrees.

I was able to speak directly to our denominations president about many of the issues I have stated previously.  He was very uncomfortable for the 40 minutes that I spoke with him.  He is in support of Roman Catholics and our denomination coming together and to lend it credibility he dropped Billy Grahams name.  I told him he did not want to go there.

So am I right to have left?  I definitely believe it was the right decision not only for my self but also for my wife and kids.  I believe we are being obedient to God's word.  It is still my hope and prayer that the wolves that have crept into this church will be exposed and that people will be able to see through the Blizzard of Bugs.

Monday 1 September 2014

Masonic Infiltrators

I opened up the the local paper last week and in the obituaries a picture of man caught my attention.  The man in the picture was a Free Mason that was sporting his full masonic garb.

I read through the summary of his life and found a particular item to be quite interesting.       He was an elder in a Presbyterian Church in the small city that I am from since 1965.  

He also achieved Grand First Principle of the Royal Arch.  Why is this information about him being an elder of a church and also at the same time a Free mason displayed so freely?

Simple. There are not many discerning Christians any more so why hide.  As long as you are influential, have a good personality and can stage a little Christian theatrics, you are in line to become an elder of a church.  What!  Wait a second!  There is no way that this kind of hypocrisy should be tolerated.  But unfortunately it is.

This information however is not surprising.  People that oppose the truth of Gods word are becoming more and more bold about flaunting their unbiblical practices.  Masonry is filled with secrets and according to the website of the Royal arch masons they are supposedly revealed all  the secrets.  Here is what I found on the webpage:
Why Become a Royal Arch Mason? 
The Royal Arch Degree is the completion of the whole system of Freemasonry! As a Master Mason, you will have received your first three degrees in Masonry in the Craft or Symbolic Lodge.
According to Masonic legend, every man raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason received "substitute secrets", as the "true secrets" were lost. It may provide a surprise to the new Master Mason, believing his work is completed, to be told that the secrets pertaining to the ceremony will not be given him! He has, in fact, only received the first half of the Master Mason degree. Becoming a Royal Arch Mason completes the degree series.
The veil is lifted and the true secrets rediscovered in the degree of the Holy Royal Arch and in that degree only. Hence, no man actually becomes a complete Master Mason until he is exalted to that holy order.
Some would have the newly raised Master Mason believe that he can receive the true secrets in a degree other than the Royal Arch. This is not true, historically or otherwise. The mother Grand Lodge of England was so emphatic regarding the necessity of the Royal Arch degree that, many years ago, it set forth this as Paragraph One (1) of its Laws and Regulations:
"By the solemn act of the union between the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons of England in December, 1813, it was declared and pronounced that Pure Ancient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz: those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellowcraft, and the Master Mason, INCLUDING THE SUPREME ORDER OF THE HOLY ROYAL ARCH"
Thus only those who have attained the Royal Arch may be said to have completed their Masonic Work

How can any man who calls himself a Christian have any involvement with the occult?  The only answer for that question is that we cannot.  It is time that God’s word sheds some light on the Blizzard of Bugs!  
We Christians need to dust off our bibles and expose from God’s word these men and women that have infiltrated the church with the lies of the evil one.  It is time that we defend the faith that was once delivered to the saints.  
Think about it.  The Lord Jesus died for us so that we intern could have life.  With much suffering his apostles delivered the gospel so that we could have the knowledge of salvation. Let us not trample on the grace that was freely given to us.  Let us put on the full armor of God and do what we have been called to do.  

Friday 22 August 2014

The Beginning of Blizzard of Bugs

I am sitting at the optometrist trying to come up with what is going to be my first blog post.  I am not worried about too many people reading the blog in the first place, hence the title of the blog, Blizzard of Bugs.

The name, Blizzard of Bugs, where does it come from within my context?

My wife and I were driving down a gravel road and all of a sudden all that we could see were bugs.  My wife, a little freaked out yells, "Its like a Blizzard of Bugs".  She definitely defined exactly what was transpiring because there were lots and lots of bugs.  We could see nothing else but a moving blackness.  What is it that I am trying to say?  Maybe, You can't see the forest for the trees, who knows?  It is probably anyone's guess.  But I will try to define for you what went through my mind on that gravel road and how the ensuing Blizzard of Bugs analogy transpired.

It started a few years back when my wife and I had a construction company.  We were Christians that went to Bible school and lived what we considered a decent clean living life.  We were becoming successful in the worlds standards, but was this the life that God had intended for us?  I know now that it wasn't and that God had a different plan.

When the Lord had chastised us and mercifully healed and restored my wife and I back to his plan we would soon discover that we were not the only Christians that were far from obeying him and his word.  This is now where the Blizzard of Bugs analogy started to take shape.  In the next few moments after driving through the Blizzard of Bugs, we started to clue into the fact of how closely an analogy can be made in connection to the climate of the Christian church and a Blizzard of Bugs.

Any discerning Christian knows that we are to obey the word of God.  Right!  Right.  This however is not what is typically going on in the church in 2014.  There are liars and deceivers, men and women who just want to do and hear what ever seems good to them at a particular time in their life.  There are impostors, hypocrites, luke warm, etc.   There are men and women that call themselves Christians and declare that the Bible is not interpretable.  They say that the bible is just full of good stories.  Some professing Christians have even gone as far as to say that the crucifixion itself is simply metaphorical and that it is purely a good story to encourage us to live better moral lives. Then there are those who are continuing to fall into the lie of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism and other cults that do not uphold the teaching of the scriptures.

The above paragraph in part sums up why my blog is named Blizzard of Bugs.  It seems that in this time, spiritually speaking,  most churches are being taken over by deception.  The deception is so great it is like a Blizzard of Bugs, a moving blackness that is blinding and suffocating the world, specifically the church."For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

Thankfully, The Lord has always had a remnant through out human history.  In Israel's history there were times when they were serving God and then there were times when they would serve their own hearts and do more wickedly than the wicked around them.  God would then send his prophets and watchmen to warn them.  After a certain time of Israel not taking heed to God's warnings he would judge them.  Right now in this time I see many watchmen and prophets declaring to the church to turn back to God and his word.  Of course, many professing  prophets and watchmen are deceivers.  There are however godly Christian men and woman that are declaring with one accord for the church to turn back and follow the right way and obey his voice. The word of God is that voice and the Holy Spirit is the one that illuminates it for us to understand.

Blizzard of Bugs is an experience that I had down a gravel road that caused me to think about how much is written in the scriptures of the deception that is in the church and in the world.  There is a war going on. That war is for our minds and what we believe.  Where there are Countless amounts of junk biding for our attention.  And the light of the word of God is the only vehicle that is able to lead us through the darkness in the power of the Holy Spirit.