Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas is the ultimate trojan horse.

We tragically went out for dinner last night at families house.  It will be the last time that I make that mistake.  And plus I knew better.

Why is it a mistake to get together with family…at christmas?  Well...lets just say that if the scriptures exhorted Christians to celebrate his sons birth then you would think that thats who you would be celebrating.  This is not not the case.  

A few years ago when I had sent the letter out regarding us not celebrating christmas to family it created, as those who have read my previous post on christmas, no little controversy.  As a consequence they tried luring us out there by not having all the pagan decorations such as a christmas tree etc. They did not realize that it was not the decorations that detoured us from coming out there.

Fast forward to the present.  They now have all those things up again!  Surprised?  I was not but my naivety really was disappointed.  I think when we actually showed up they were a little taken back because they did not expect us to come out.

The reason I took my family out there was for one reason and that was to preach the gospel to a certain young relative that is turning to atheism.  It was the second time I had spoken to him within a couple day period.  The first time was at my house.  

I had just scratched the surface of the gospel with him at my house so I prayed to the Lord Jesus that I would have another opportunity.  This is where the dilemma of going out to where family celebrates christmas really took shape.  We had not been out at the families house for a few years at the time of christmas but I was pressed in my spirit to go out.  

I told my wife that we should take the kids ice skating on the frozen lake near where the family is from.  We then decided to text the family near by that we were thinking about coming over.  So, we ended up having dinner at their house.  This was on the 23 of December and the first time we went out.  And from that occasion I was able to speak to the young family member for a couple of hours talking about the gospel.  

The night of December 25 was the second time we went out.  This was the error.  Why an error you might ask.  I will try to explain.  This time it seemed like we took part in their sins.  Not the food we ate not even seeing any of the decorations and the like.  It was that which does not go out of the body into the sewer but that which goes into the heart.  I myself did not have any temptations but for my was most horrible.

The moment we got out there one of the little cousins grabbed my kids and instantly proceeded to show all her christmas presents with great exuberance.  I knew at that moment we were in the wrong for being there.  Even though my kids know what christmas is all about they were immediately absorbed into the excitement of the lie.  Just to let you know this makes me weep.
Things did not get better but I tried with my might to hold it together.  I partly succeeded.   We left early despite the family trying to manipulate us to stay longer.  On the way home I said to my wife, never again.

I love family.  Then again I don’t know of anyone that I do not love.  And that love by the way does not come from my own doing.  Celebrating Christ’s birth is not what is happening at christmas plain and simple.  Maybe a jesus that I do not know.  Most definitely an invented christ but christmas is not about the Lord Jesus Christ.  No matter what they tell me is going on in their heart.

The fruit of christmas reveals that it is not true even if we do not know where the "root" of christmas comes from.  We do however have the knowledge of where christmas comes from and  therefore we are not ignorant.  And I am not talking about the fact that it was the wicked pope Liberius in 354 that made December 25th as the official date of christmas.  Even the fact that we know that it stems from the cult of Sol Invictus in 273.  No, I am not talking about these sources.  I am talking about the scriptures themselves.

Study your bibles!  No lie is of the truth!  Three wise men...lie.  Born on December 25...lie.  Festival to the birth of Christ...lie.  On and on and on the scripture tells us the truth.  Christmas is kind of like the kids Jonah book stories.  Seriously, go get one.  I will not read that kind of garbage to my kids.  But seriously, get one, and read about the reason that they give for Jonah running away from the Lord, it is a lie.  The kids Jonah book stories are partly truth, which is just a lie in disguise, just like christmas is a lie in disguise.  No lie is of the truth.  

May the Lord Jesus Christ be honoured and glorified everyday even on December 25th! 

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