Tuesday 2 December 2014

 I have at this time written the blog in such a style as to give familiarity with my own personal situation.  If I seem vague in points forgive me because at this time I don’t know exactly what to say and what not to say.  I honestly would point out by name whom ever is teaching bad doctrine for public consumption.  But I am trying to exercise caution biblically on what that will look like.  Later on in the blog I hope to discuss and put forth the many reasons why I have great sorrow for the church.

Here is what spurred me on to finally give my resignation as an elder for a C&MA church in Canada.

I was actually just going to go see what was going on in the church’s denominations university website.  The above picture was the home screen.

After seeing this picture I wept.  Not only for the fact that our church had given large donations to them but as a consequence many people would be led to hell on account of such ignorance. Once I gathered myself together I began to contact a few people I knew.  

One of the men I contacted was an acquaintance from another church with-in the C&MA.  He then contacted someone he knew and the Ambrose situation ended up on a web program called Worldview Weekend with Mike Gendron and Brannon House.  They talked about the issue at length.  They dealt with some of the problems that doing ministry with Roman Catholics would create.

----I want to make clear right now I do not approve of Worldview Weekend but equally do not disapprove of them either as I have not thoroughly checked into their ministry.  My reason for naming who they are is just a fact of the story.----

After the program I sent a link to all the other elders in our church.  I only received one response.   They have all in all remained silent to this day.  None of them want to deal with it.  None of them want to recognize that it was not just Ambrose University with the Roman Catholic ecumenical problem but that we too had the same issue. 

It breaks my heart that I had to resign.  Especially because I do not want to be some holier than thou person.  I just had to follow what the bible says.  It is very clear in the scriptures that we are not to have anything to do with brethren which "cause divisions…whoa…!  Wait a minute is that all…nope, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple".

As I talked about it in my last blog post the doctrines are built not upon the Church of Rome, books, or other means. They are built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets and Jesus being that chief corner stone.  We can do no ministry with the Roman Catholic Church and my so-called brothers in the C&MA think other wise.  So I have no choice but to be divided from them in order to obey the scriptures.  Likewise if they repented and turned from these ungodly ways I could reconcile. 

Anyone who has a computer and can read is able to check Ambrose Universities website at www.ambrose.edu.  In there you will find many things that would not surprise the discerning Christian.  But for those who have not known about Ambrose’s blatant ecumenism with Rome the website is chock full of it.  Ranging from their Jesuit trained President, to some of their faculty having their educations from Roman Catholic schools, to many classes dealing with spiritual formation as it is in the emerging movement, or what ever they call it nowadays.  Also, on the main C&MA of Canada website (a total blog post in and of itself) it endorses a ministry called Down Ancient Paths which is blatantly heretical and run by Charles Neinkirchen,  but…there it is on their main website.  

It was hard for me to have knowledge about Ambrose and remain in unity because I had to sign checks that are given to them on a monthly basis.  I just could not do it anymore.  I could not in my conscience, especially after presenting the difference between biblical faith and that of Roman Catholic doctrine to the others on the elders board, continue to allow it to be swept under the rug on my watch.

At this time I do want to let the readers know that I actually have love for Roman Catholics.  I love them so much I will preach to them the true gospel suffering the repercussions of not being ecumenical with them.  If that loses me friends, jobs, etc.,  so be it.  It would however be worse to deny the only Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.   

For those reading who are involved in the C&MA please do not sit back in the pew and consume what ever they are telling you.  We as Christians are not to be observers but we are to be actively living out and defending the faith; speaking the truth in love.  It is not loving to let evil things be swept under the rug. 

 I humbly ask you who ever you are to pick up your bibles and read it.  "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart".  

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