Friday 22 August 2014

The Beginning of Blizzard of Bugs

I am sitting at the optometrist trying to come up with what is going to be my first blog post.  I am not worried about too many people reading the blog in the first place, hence the title of the blog, Blizzard of Bugs.

The name, Blizzard of Bugs, where does it come from within my context?

My wife and I were driving down a gravel road and all of a sudden all that we could see were bugs.  My wife, a little freaked out yells, "Its like a Blizzard of Bugs".  She definitely defined exactly what was transpiring because there were lots and lots of bugs.  We could see nothing else but a moving blackness.  What is it that I am trying to say?  Maybe, You can't see the forest for the trees, who knows?  It is probably anyone's guess.  But I will try to define for you what went through my mind on that gravel road and how the ensuing Blizzard of Bugs analogy transpired.

It started a few years back when my wife and I had a construction company.  We were Christians that went to Bible school and lived what we considered a decent clean living life.  We were becoming successful in the worlds standards, but was this the life that God had intended for us?  I know now that it wasn't and that God had a different plan.

When the Lord had chastised us and mercifully healed and restored my wife and I back to his plan we would soon discover that we were not the only Christians that were far from obeying him and his word.  This is now where the Blizzard of Bugs analogy started to take shape.  In the next few moments after driving through the Blizzard of Bugs, we started to clue into the fact of how closely an analogy can be made in connection to the climate of the Christian church and a Blizzard of Bugs.

Any discerning Christian knows that we are to obey the word of God.  Right!  Right.  This however is not what is typically going on in the church in 2014.  There are liars and deceivers, men and women who just want to do and hear what ever seems good to them at a particular time in their life.  There are impostors, hypocrites, luke warm, etc.   There are men and women that call themselves Christians and declare that the Bible is not interpretable.  They say that the bible is just full of good stories.  Some professing Christians have even gone as far as to say that the crucifixion itself is simply metaphorical and that it is purely a good story to encourage us to live better moral lives. Then there are those who are continuing to fall into the lie of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism and other cults that do not uphold the teaching of the scriptures.

The above paragraph in part sums up why my blog is named Blizzard of Bugs.  It seems that in this time, spiritually speaking,  most churches are being taken over by deception.  The deception is so great it is like a Blizzard of Bugs, a moving blackness that is blinding and suffocating the world, specifically the church."For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

Thankfully, The Lord has always had a remnant through out human history.  In Israel's history there were times when they were serving God and then there were times when they would serve their own hearts and do more wickedly than the wicked around them.  God would then send his prophets and watchmen to warn them.  After a certain time of Israel not taking heed to God's warnings he would judge them.  Right now in this time I see many watchmen and prophets declaring to the church to turn back to God and his word.  Of course, many professing  prophets and watchmen are deceivers.  There are however godly Christian men and woman that are declaring with one accord for the church to turn back and follow the right way and obey his voice. The word of God is that voice and the Holy Spirit is the one that illuminates it for us to understand.

Blizzard of Bugs is an experience that I had down a gravel road that caused me to think about how much is written in the scriptures of the deception that is in the church and in the world.  There is a war going on. That war is for our minds and what we believe.  Where there are Countless amounts of junk biding for our attention.  And the light of the word of God is the only vehicle that is able to lead us through the darkness in the power of the Holy Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that the Lord showed you and your wife the truth!
    And I agree, there is sooo much deception. And we are in a war.
    Once you realize the truth,by Gods grace, the enemy of our soul steps up his tactics. That old serpent the devil will find any way to try and lead you into deception. We must pray without ceasing ,and stay in the Word!

    Ephesians 6:13- Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    14- Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness ;

    15-And your feet shod with the preperation of the gospel of peace;

    16- Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to
    quench the fiery darts of the wicked.

    17-And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

