Tuesday 9 December 2014

This scene was at a house on my daughters paper route.  Exactly summing up the "spirit" of Christmas.

Here is a letter that my wife and I sent out to family a couple of years ago.

Why we are not celebrating Christmas

  1. It is not commanded to celebrate the birth of Christ
  2. It is a tradition of man

  1. a) One can make the argument that it does not say to not celebrate Christmas.  This argument in our perception of what the scriptures say is flimsy at best.  For as the scriptures say, “Learn not the way of the heathen”.  
  1. We do not consider it in our liberty as stated by Paul to celebrate Christmas and/ to not celebrate Christmas.  If however Christmas was an ordained festival/celebration that had been commanded by God at a point in history such as the new moon festival, this would be in our liberty to choose or not to choose to celebrate.  And in the case of choosing to not celebrate a new moon festival, sabbath day, holy day and the like, we according to scripture are not to be judged by any man in that regards (Colossians 2:16).  Since Christmas is not an ordained and commanded festival it is definitely a decision that is of good conscience towards God.  It is taught in 1 Thessalonians that we are to “prove all things” and that is what we have done over the last few years in establishing what the grace of God teaches us about Christmas and that it is with out doubt a tradition of man.

2 a) Since we established that Christmas is a tradition of man it was in our conscience to establish a basis for this tradition.  At this point we want to make known that we do not think it wrong according to the scriptures that thinking on the birth of Christ  is wrong, as the bible says we are to study and in that study it includes the birth of Christ.  We however do not see that the birth of Christ was commanded scripturally by Jesus or any of the apostles to have a festival in memory of his birth.  We have come to the conclusion in our study of Christmas that it is best for us to not celebrate, participate, or have any involvement in a celebration that appears to be good but in our findings it is not.

The above letter is in no way an exhaustive scriptural reason to not celebrate Christmas.  Any discerning Christian who studies their bible know that there are more than enough scriptures that prove the celebration of Christmas is erroneous and in fact Pagan idolatry.  

What is interesting about the Christmas season is that Christians who do not want to take part in the festivities are ostracized.  Mostly by the ones who call themselves evangelical christians.  I have had people question whether or not I had been influenced by Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, and the like.

One of the main arguments that so-called Christians have made to me in the past about the celebration of Christmas is, “You don’t know my heart".  I always reply to them that out of the heart the mouth speaks or for out of the heart are the issues of life.  And I see your heart in your celebration of Christmas.

There are many Christians that have dealt at length with the issues of Christmas being evil, whether it be online or other outlets.  It is not my intentions to hash out all the reasons in this post. 

Examine the scriptures!  See what God says about man made spiritual traditions, celebrations and inventions such as Christmas.  

It is in my discernment that Christmas and the like are an important tool of divisiveness for the enemy.  Christmas divides!  Christmas does not bring unity!  Christmas is a deception.  Why is there a division at Christmas?  Because it is not truth.  A true Christian cannot have unity in a lie.  A lie will always bring division. Always!  The "spirit" of Christmas is a lie. Christmas puts the Christian in bondage. 

The truth of Gods word brings unity.  Those who continue in God's word know the truth and it makes them free.

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”.

I look forward to the day the Lord Jesus Christ returns in all his glory.  What a day that will be!   

Until then let us be vigilant, sober and watchful.  Study the scriptures so we can correctly divide the word of truth.  “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel...Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”.

1 comment:

  1. Great post here! I am so encouraged in my faith in Jesus by reading that others do not desire to honor a tradition of man. We clearly see the New Testament Ekklesia not celebrating the birth of Christ with a yearly celebration and in fact, "little baby Jesus", is not worshiped at all. And since Jesus Second Coming will be dealing with all of us on a mature adult level, why are preachers and teachers and leadership, not focusing their time on the teachings of being a true disciple of Jesus because one day, each one of us are required to give an answer to Jesus Himself.

    The world spends so much time, energy, and great amounts of mammon on a futile and worthless celebration, and yet man has such a difficult time loving the LORD with all his heart, soul, and mind, and then loving the neighbor as himself, the two greatest commands told to us by God Himself.

    And at the end of the day......there has not been one hand written note penned by man on any of our greeting cards throughout the years that have even given Jesus any glimmer of praise. Guess it is too hard to even write the Name of Jesus, let alone proclaim His Glorious Name in public. I believe most who profess the Name of Jesus in our organized churches are too ashamed to proclaim His Name.

    We have turned our eyes away from the Risen LORD, and have set our wicked eyes upon ourselves. The fruits of the psychology of the "self esteem" movement.

    O God, have mercy upon our souls.
