Tuesday 2 December 2014

Since resigning from the elders board that I had previously served on I have received 3 phone calls plus one visit from different people in the congregation in the last few weeks.  At present no elders have reached out to me since my resignation.  

The last person that called me was disappointed that my family and I weren’t coming to the services anymore.  My answer to him was, “why would I come when there is a heretical ecumenical spirit saturating the church”.  My most recent example that I used for him was not even about Satan’s Roman Catholic infiltration.  It was simply that an Anglican was going to be reading the scripture in our services and we in theirs.  He by the way, as I found out from the phone call, is for being ecumenical since he had no objections to having the Anglicans reading the bible in the services.  

The ecumenical move of Satan is clear and evident to those who are discerning and abiding with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Just recently on somewhat of a different note another person that was from the previous church that we were apart of contacted me with great concern.  What was this great concern of his you might ask?  Well... the school uses Yoga as part of their curriculum, which by the way, is one of the plethora of reasons why I homeschool my three children, and he didn’t know exactly what to do.  We talked about it for a bit.  I prayed with him. And in the end he just asked if his child could be excused from the class.

This friend of mine with the yoga dilemma, who I would consider a discerning Christian sat down with a couple of the other Christian fathers with kids in that yoga class.  Out of their discussion they too decided to have their kids excused from the yoga class.  This is good right?  I think that it is good but the problem that I see is that if Christians cannot see past the blatant satanism of yoga how are they going to see through subtle deceptions?

For any Christian reading this blog I encourage you to stay strong in the Lord and his word.

My wife and I have been reading through the new testament.  Recently we read through 1 John.   When ever I read through 1 John many things stick out to me.  What specifically stuck out this time is when John says, “That from the beginning, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life...That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us...We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error”.

Why do I find the above scriptures significant? It is because of how often we as Christians fall into the trap of supposed new teachings, spiritual books and or new revelations that do not come from God’s word.  All one has to do is look at the most infamous of cases, the Roman Catholic Church.  They have added so many doctrines to God’s word it is hard to keep track of them.  So, what am I trying to say?  We need to follow the word of God as it was once delivered to the saints and not add to it as the Pharisees did.  We need to stop reading the church fathers or the desert fathers as something that will deepen our spirituality. We need to stop relying on men such as Augustine to tell us what is said in the scriptures.  Is the Holy Spirit able to give us understanding? For Sure!  Are we able to have a deep friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Of Course!  I do not believe that we need some other medium to deepen our friendship with God except for what he has already given us; his word and the Holy Spirit.

How do we discern what is the sprit of truth and error?  

The first thing would be to toss out anything that is given more authority or equal authority to the scriptures.  Example, mens books being used in bible studies as an authority rather the scriptures alone.  

Secondly, let us seek the Lord diligently with all our heart because it says in his word that when we do we will find him.

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