Tuesday 13 January 2015

2 Timothy 3:1-17
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
    Born again Christians
-We are to turn away from those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. 
-We too can fully know the doctrine that Paul speaks of in verse 10.
-All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
-We are to continue in the things which we have learned and been assured of, knowing the source
-We may or may not have had the same up bringing as Timothy but we who are saved have also 
been made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus The scripture is from God.
 -It is profitable for us for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness.  
-We can be fully furnished by the word of God unto all good works.  Why?  It is because the Lord Jesus 
Christ says so thats why!  

How many people in the so-called church have a "form of godliness" that is described in the 
above chapter? 

 I recently had a person from the congregation in which I used to be an elder stop by my 
house to talk.  I can appreciate the sincerity that he has to want my family and myself to come back.  

The visit however reinforced to me that I had made the right decision to resign and withdrawal our 
membership.  I again reiterated to him the main reason for leaving and that being the congregations 
ecumenism with Roman Catholics.  He then replied with some human reasonings which included 
suggesting to have a by-law put in place in regard to ecumenism with Rome.  And that if the 
denomination as a whole chose to be ecumenical with Rome the local congregation would then retreat 
back to a time in the denominations history that was more in line with correct biblical beliefs.  He asked 
me if I would be appeased by something like that.  Really?  What?  News flash, they are already in the 
palm of Rome's hand.  The denomination is already officially in talks with Rome.  If the congregation 
wants to do right they would completely break ties with the denomination, rend their hearts and 
not their garments and turn to and obey the word of God. 

 I, again, can somewhat appreciate his sincerity but he is sincerely wrong.  Their understanding has been 
darkened in regards to Gods word because of listening to men and women such as Rick Warren and Beth 
Moore.  I mention these two names now because he mentioned their names in our conversation a few 
days ago in a good light.  I then had to inform him of their ties to Roman Catholicism.  

All I know is that I have been constantly bombarded by men and women that call themselves
Christians but have been seduced away from obeying the word of God and in turn obey mens inventions.  
I love the guy and his family that came to talk to me.  He however comes with a form of godliness.  And 
whether he is aware of it or not, his plea to return to the “church” would inadvertently put my family in 
jeopardy once again.  No thanks.

I will leave you with another chapter from the scriptures that has been on my mind lately and that is
Psalms 106.  Be encouraged! Read the scriptures and obey them!  
In Christ Jesus Our Lord!


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