Saturday 7 February 2015


Men trusting in men.

I grew up in a family where a few followed the teachings of William Branham.  His false teachings were numerous.  He claimed that he was the last day prophet as recorded in Malachi 4:5.  He believed in the serpent seed, he was nontrinitarian, claiming that Jesus was created, and had very questionable ways of interpreting future events.  

His teachings wreaked havoc within my extended family.  My mom was also approached to turn to his teachings but my dad told her at that time if she did it would end the marriage.  Whether my dad would have really ended the marriage or not I will never know but my mom was never sucked in, praise God.  To this day those family members still following Branham continue to try to drag who ever they can into the deception.

When William Branham died in a car accident in the 60’s his followers thought that he was going to be raised back to life again, including those family members of mine that followed him.  It never happened.  My question to one of my relatives was that if he was who he says he was why was he not raised back to life again.  And since he is not alive to this day why are you still following his false prophesies and teachings.  This family member had no answer.  I am still waiting on an answer.

When one of my family members died I attended the funeral service, they (Branhamites) tried their hardest to sound biblical in the funeral service.  It was such a deception.  Some of my family that are obviously weak in their faith now considered the Branhamites to be of the Christian faith.  After the funeral a bunch of my extended family met at my parents house.  It ended up turning into singing hymns and a prayer time.  I refused to take part.  And those that were not even Branhamites asked my mom why I wouldn’t take part, which she told them as I told her that I do not have fellowship with Branhamites.

Why do I write this short little insight into my life?  It is a warning to those Christians who are dissatisfied with the so-called church.  In your dissatisfaction, please do not trust in men.  Trust in the word of God as the Holy Ghost illuminates it to your understanding.  Do not do as some of my family members do, trusting not only in a man but in their own understanding.  They may or may not have been right at that time in regard to the apostasy of the church.  But instead of following the word of the Lord Jesus Christ they follow a false teacher and prophet.

Branhamism has a powerful hold on peoples lives.  I pray all the time for these family members and non-family members to be loosed from their bondage of Branhamism.  

Trust in the Lord and his word.