Monday 1 September 2014

Masonic Infiltrators

I opened up the the local paper last week and in the obituaries a picture of man caught my attention.  The man in the picture was a Free Mason that was sporting his full masonic garb.

I read through the summary of his life and found a particular item to be quite interesting.       He was an elder in a Presbyterian Church in the small city that I am from since 1965.  

He also achieved Grand First Principle of the Royal Arch.  Why is this information about him being an elder of a church and also at the same time a Free mason displayed so freely?

Simple. There are not many discerning Christians any more so why hide.  As long as you are influential, have a good personality and can stage a little Christian theatrics, you are in line to become an elder of a church.  What!  Wait a second!  There is no way that this kind of hypocrisy should be tolerated.  But unfortunately it is.

This information however is not surprising.  People that oppose the truth of Gods word are becoming more and more bold about flaunting their unbiblical practices.  Masonry is filled with secrets and according to the website of the Royal arch masons they are supposedly revealed all  the secrets.  Here is what I found on the webpage:
Why Become a Royal Arch Mason? 
The Royal Arch Degree is the completion of the whole system of Freemasonry! As a Master Mason, you will have received your first three degrees in Masonry in the Craft or Symbolic Lodge.
According to Masonic legend, every man raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason received "substitute secrets", as the "true secrets" were lost. It may provide a surprise to the new Master Mason, believing his work is completed, to be told that the secrets pertaining to the ceremony will not be given him! He has, in fact, only received the first half of the Master Mason degree. Becoming a Royal Arch Mason completes the degree series.
The veil is lifted and the true secrets rediscovered in the degree of the Holy Royal Arch and in that degree only. Hence, no man actually becomes a complete Master Mason until he is exalted to that holy order.
Some would have the newly raised Master Mason believe that he can receive the true secrets in a degree other than the Royal Arch. This is not true, historically or otherwise. The mother Grand Lodge of England was so emphatic regarding the necessity of the Royal Arch degree that, many years ago, it set forth this as Paragraph One (1) of its Laws and Regulations:
"By the solemn act of the union between the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons of England in December, 1813, it was declared and pronounced that Pure Ancient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz: those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellowcraft, and the Master Mason, INCLUDING THE SUPREME ORDER OF THE HOLY ROYAL ARCH"
Thus only those who have attained the Royal Arch may be said to have completed their Masonic Work

How can any man who calls himself a Christian have any involvement with the occult?  The only answer for that question is that we cannot.  It is time that God’s word sheds some light on the Blizzard of Bugs!  
We Christians need to dust off our bibles and expose from God’s word these men and women that have infiltrated the church with the lies of the evil one.  It is time that we defend the faith that was once delivered to the saints.  
Think about it.  The Lord Jesus died for us so that we intern could have life.  With much suffering his apostles delivered the gospel so that we could have the knowledge of salvation. Let us not trample on the grace that was freely given to us.  Let us put on the full armor of God and do what we have been called to do.